
viernes, septiembre 28, 2012

Vicepresidente del parlamento europeo propone enviar soldados contra Catalunya.

El ultraderechista español y miembro del PP, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, declara la guerra a Catalunya.

En podéis firmar para que lo echen de Europa.

En inglés para que lo lea todo el mundo:

European Parliament vice-president proposes sending in military to prevent democratic referendum in Catalonia

European Parliament vice-president, Spanish nationalist Alejo Vidal Quadras, asked the Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, that he choose any brigadier general, “preferably from the guardia civil,” to put a stop to Catalonia's independence process. “Besides fighting the resolution in the courts, we must take over the autonomous region. The Spanish government needs to get in contact with Mas and tell him that what he's doing is against the law, and if he does not change his mind we'll be forced to step in,” he said.

He also offered some details about how this would work. “The Spanish senate meets, has a vote, then takes over the autonomous region. We disband their parliament, the Catalan government goes back home, and the Spanish government delegation in Catalonia takes over Catalonia. The brigadier general is to be in charge of the Catalan police.”
These statements came after the Spanish government vice-president urged to “stop by any means necessary” the democratic process in Catalonia and the plan to hold a referendum approved by a majority in the Catalan chamber. 

The European Parliament vice-president described Catalonia as a “rebellious autonomy.” When they asked him whether they should try to talk to the Catalans in order to come to an agreement, he gave a definite ‘no’ for an answer. “The time has come for the Spanish state to use one of its tools, namely the commesurate and legitimate use of force.”

Right after these statements, Catalan members of the European Parliament Raül Romeva, Ramon Tremosa, and Oriol Junqueras announced that they will condemn his actions in front of the European Commission, and that they will send a letter to the European chamber president, Mr. Martin Schulz, asking for an answer to Vidal Quadras' threats.


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