miércoles, agosto 14, 2013

Moción a favor de la independencia de Catalunya en el parlamento británico.

Hay que reconocer que el tema de Gibraltar favorece a Catalunya, tener al imperio inglés a favor es más de lo que hubiéramos soñado. Toda la Commonwealth (unos 50 países...).

Texto original:

That this House congratulates all the people of Catalonia on the occasion of their National Day of Catalonia on 11th September 2012; notes that the mass demonstration in Barcelona on that special day will be under the single slogan "Catalonia, the next state of Europe"; notes that multiple polls show that the majority of the Catalan people support the independence of their nation; welcomes the democratic and peaceful means they have adopted to promote and pursue this objective; and expresses concerns that the current Spanish constitution allows neither for the indepedence of part of its territory nor for the holding of a referendum on independence which would allow the people of Catalonia to decide democratically on the constitutional status of their nation.

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